Parents Adopt Little Girl and Surprise Their Son Who Asked For a Little Sister

This ten-year-old finally received his ideal Christmas present.

Ten-year-old Owynn Lindsay longed for a younger sibling. He even asked for a little brother or sister for Christmas. His parents, Stacey and Adam, also wanted another child; Stacey grew up in a very large family and wanted siblings for Owynn as well.

They considered being foster parents, but eventually decided against it, which was disappointing for Owynn. Finally, they decided to adopt after getting in touch with a young mom named Kendra. Kendra wanted her baby to be adopted, and let the Lindsays take her little girl, Naylee, home two days after she was born.

When Owynn got home that day, his parents told him to go look under the tree. He found his new sister lying there. Stacey told him to look at her onesie, which read "Little Sister."

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"That's your little sister," she said. "You wanna hold her?" He, of course, did. Click here to watch the sweet, emotional video.

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.

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