Boy Defies Odds After Being Born With Only 2% of His Brain Matter
by Jenna Phipps
Jan 17, 2019
About six years ago, an expecting British couple discovered that their unborn son had spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Doctors didn't expect him to live outside the womb, according to Faithwire. Spina bifida causes stunted spine growth and spinal cord defects, and hydrocephalus means that the unborn boy's skull was filled with cranial fluid.
However, the couple's son - Noah - was born alive despite the doctors' expectations. They drained the fluid from his skull immediately and also discovered that he had been born with only two percent of his brain matter. But over the first three years of his life, Noah's brain matter increased to eighty percent.
Now, at six years old, he can write, speak in front of crowds, and hold full conversations. Though Noah's doctor suspects the shunt that was put into his skull made room for the brain matter to grow, he does not know how it technically regenerated (Faithwire). Click here for this miraculous story.
Jenna Phipps
Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.