When Should You Switch Your Toddler to a Toddler Bed?

by Baby Earth
Sep 09, 2022
First and foremost if your child is climbing out of their crib, it’s time to create a safer sleep option. Often, climbing leads to falls, entrapment, or other injuries that are important to avoid. A toddler bed uses the crib mattress in a bed frame that is designed to be low to the ground, have some sort of side safety rail, and is easy for your child to get in and out of.
Another developmental sign that indicates the need to transition to a toddler bed is when your toddler starts to potty train. To encourage your child to use the toilet, it’s important that can get out of bed and walk to the bathroom at any time of the day.
Other signs that your child may be alerting you to is that they start talking about being a big kid, they start climbing into bed with you or older siblings, or they may start fighting the idea of going in their crib altogether.
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Whether baby is developing the skills to climb, they are simply too tall for the side rails of the crib or they are showing other development milestones between ages 18 months and three years is an excellent time to start researching the toddler bed you feel is right for your child.