Don't Put Anything on Baby You Can't Pronounce
by Sami Cone
May 14, 2019
The word organic gets thrown around a lot. But with organic baby products, there is another barometer all health-conscious parents need to pay attention to.
Don't Put Anything on Baby You Can't Pronounce
We went to one of the country's most-trusted individuals when it comes to organic family health, Jordan Rubin. The co-founder of Ancient Nutrition says when it comes to basic health definitions, a caregiver should understand one thing: an infant is just a small human. Anything you give your baby orally or put on their skin will be absorbed and have a greater impact (or lack of impact) on their health.
Anything you give your baby orally or put on their skin will be absorbed and have a greater impact (or lack of impact) on their health.
Read Your Labels
Parents are quick to choose organic foods for their babies, but forget to look at the products they put on their baby.
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For example, Rubin says it bothers him when a baby is given a bath using a typical shampoo (for example, the leading grocery store brand). When you look at the back of the package, chances are you won't recognize a single ingredient.
It's all chemicals.
Organic Baby Body Products
When it comes to baby's skin and body: don’t put anything on your child you don’t know what it is. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient or it has letters and numbers in it: that’s a telltale sign you shouldn’t be using for your child or yourself.
If you can’t pronounce an ingredient or it has letters and numbers in it: that’s a telltale sign you shouldn’t be using for your child or yourself.
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Chemicals and Baby's Skin
With skin being our largest organ, organic baby products aren't the only consideration. In terms of infants being able to absorb chemicals, chlorine is very detrimental for their health (immune system & gut).
If giving a bath, start with water warmer than you would use and let dissipate for 20 minutes or get a water filter on your shower/tub. You should also look to remove chlorine or chloramine (what some municipalities have used to replace chlorine; it's common in water systems as a germicide).
Organic Baby Clothes
Of course, you wouldn't want to make all the aforementioned changes to help baby's skin without considering their clothes. We love brands like Under the Nile for their organic Egyptian cotton that is safe and soft on baby's skin.
As with any changes when it comes to your family, do your own research and come up with a plan of action you feel comfortable with. You can't control everything when it comes to baby, but you can implement small changes to make your environment a more naturally healthy space for your entire family.
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Sami Cone
Best-Selling Author & Speaker
Sami Cone is the best-selling author of "Raising Uncommon Kids", is known as the "Frugal Mom" on Nashville's top-rated talk show "Talk of the Town" and educates over a million listeners every day on her nationally syndicated "Family Money Minute". She is proud to call Nashville home with her husband, Rick, and their two teenage children.