Establishing A Morning Ritual As A Mom

Moms get creative with how to carve out time for self-care.

Just like we keep our kids on routines, we need a routine that includes some self-care. Many moms have found that setting a morning ritual (before the kids get up) helps kick-start their day, but sometimes that time of day just doesn’t work.

When the dream of a morning ritual doesn’t come true, some moms give up on the idea of having any time for themselves. What if we allowed ourselves to have this ritual any time of the day? 

Moms are busy, so if you can’t squeeze in that morning meditation or journal entry, make sure to find another time. This ritual doesn’t have to be long. Just one quick breather to focus on yourself each day. If we want to take care of our family, we have to do what is needed to maintain our own health. 

For more tips on how to establish a mommy morning ritual, be sure to read Ashley Brown's book A Beautiful Morning: How a Morning Ritual Can Feed Your Soul and Transform Your Life. Brown takes readers through the lives of more than 20 women to look specifically at how they start their days with a positive. Tips such as preparing breakfast and toys to keep your little ones busy in the morning to teaching your kids to respect your time alone as they get older are just a few pieces of advice from the women of Brown’s book. 

More insight on how to carve out time for your morning ritual here

Sandee Gruner

Sandee Gruner

Sandee Gruner is a full-time working mom with a love for writing and communications. She resides in Southern California with her husband and two children, where she enjoys spending time with her family, exploring local attractions and volunteering.

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