Mom Has Baby for Her Son and His Wife
Photo: Dylan Feed
by Jenna Phipps
Dec 26, 2018
When Kayla Jones was seventeen, she had to undergo a partial hysterectomy. A tumor was growing in her uterus, and the doctors removed it because the tissue was entirely affected (Dylan Feed). Now, for Kayla and her husband, Cody, to have children, they require a surrogate.
After much searching, Cody's mother, Patty, offered willingly to be the couple's surrogate. She was forty-nine, and it had been over two decades since she was pregnant. But Resecker was glad to make her son and daughter-in-law's wish come true.
What do you think of this rare and generous choice? Let us know in the comments below.
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Jenna Phipps
Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.