Teaching Kids to Control Their Anger: The One Rule
by Sami Cone
Mar 19, 2019
If we told you we knew the secret to teaching kids to control their anger, would you listen? It turns out the secret lies within Inuit parents and they have one rule...
The One Rule in Teaching Kids to Control Their Anger
Thanks to a Harvard Graduate Student who lived with the Inuits above the Artic Circle back in the 1960's, we now have insights into this parenting secret. An NPR article details not just her experience, but also the one golden rule mentioned by all the Intuit moms: Don't shout or yell at small children.
Nurturing and Tender
While this seems so simple (and even impossible to believe), the researcher saw it in action. Not only is traditional Inuit parenting incredibly nurturing and tender, they actually frown upon scolding.
And don't even think about shouting. They view it as a lack of self-control for the parent (dare we say it's looked down upon worse than a toddler tantrum
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Instead, Inuit parents view kids' "acting out" as an opportunity for them to learn more about their children and help them solve their own problems.
No-Yelling Policy
In the same vain of "lessons are caught, not taught", Intuit children learn to control their emotions from parents who model the principle. They consider their "no-yelling" policy the first secret of raising cool-headed children.
Inuits practice the ancient art of storytelling to communicate lessons. This establishes natural boundaries rather than feeling like they constantly have to correct their kids.
Today, we can point to screen-time for replacing much of our story-telling practices. Whether you agree with this parenting method or not, it certainly provides food for thought.
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Sami Cone
Best-Selling Author & Speaker
Sami Cone is the best-selling author of "Raising Uncommon Kids", is known as the "Frugal Mom" on Nashville's top-rated talk show "Talk of the Town" and educates over a million listeners every day on her nationally syndicated "Family Money Minute". She is proud to call Nashville home with her husband, Rick, and their two teenage children.