Flight Attendant Goes Above and Beyond For an Infant Passenger

This mom offered to breastfeed another mom's hungry baby.

Flight attendant Patrisha Organo was praised for helping a young mother and hungry baby on a flight. Organo, who works for the Philippines Airlines, offered to breastfeed the baby. The new mother's formula was gone.

Organo, who has a nine-month-old child, breastfed the other mom's baby and received admiration and praise for it. The new mom was relieved and thankful, she wrote in a viral post on social media. However, a few women questioned the health and safety of her actions.

What do you think of Organo's offer? Click here for the full story.


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Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.

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